Support Griefwalk by Sponsoring the 2025 Griefwalk Golf Tournament.
Griefwalk is a non-profit organization that relies on your support to continue to offer programs, support groups, and resources to help guide those navigating through life’s losses.
Sponsorship Packages
Title Sponsorship $3,500

4 Player Passes
Logo Displayed on Hole Sign (36” x 24”)
Logo Displayed on Reception Sign
Logo Displayed in Reception Video
Logo Displayed in Tournament Program
Promotion Table for Your Business at Reception
Speaking Opportunity During Reception
Golf Cart Sponsorship: $2,500

4 Player Passes
Logo Displayed on Golf Carts
Logo Displayed in Reception Video
Logo Displayed in Tournament Program
Team Sponsorship: $1,000

4 Player Passes
Logo Displayed on Putting Green Sign (18” x 24”)
Logo Displayed in Reception Video
Logo Displayed in Tournament Program
Swag Bag Sponsorship: $1,000

2 Player Passes
Logo Displayed on Swag Bags
Logo Displayed at Registration Desk
Opportunity for Your Branded Promotional Items in Swag Bag
Contest Hole Sponsorship: $500

2 Player Passes
Exclusive Signage at Contest Hole
Logo Displayed on Registration Site
Opportunity to Provide Prize to Contest Winners
Personal Sponsorship: $200

Sponsors Receive an 18” x 24” Memorial Sign in Honour of a Loved One Lost on the Course. Sign Given to Sponsor After the Tournament
All sponsorships above also include:
Social Media Recognition
Tournament Website Recognition Linking to Your Website
Opportunity for Your Branded Promotional Items in Swag Bag
For information on Community Partnerships please contact:
Glen Gordon at

Previous Sponsors

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